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Monday 29 November 2010

Analysis, Analyse, Analyst, Analytical

Analysis [noun] is (alphabetically) the first word in sublist 1 of the Academic Word List (hereafter AWL). The Best IELTS web site will soon include a comprehensive Academic Word List reference section.

Analysis is the detailed inspection, investigation and/or examination of something to determine its constituent parts and their relationships to one another. This report contains a detailed analysis of the blood sample. The report would describe the composition of the blood. It could explain whether it was a healthy sample or else showed signs of disease or infection. It might also include information on any substances (drugs, alcohol etc) present in the blood and their concentrations.

Words related to analysis include analyse [verb] [US = analyze]: to perform/carry out analysis; analyst [noun] : a person who performs/carries out analysis and analytical [adjective] : capable of or prone to analysing things.